Sunday, February 10, 2008

Once upon a time...

There was a young(ish) girl interested in all forms of creating. She loved knitting, sewing, cooking and all forms of domesticity that can be found (with the exception of cleaning I suppose). She especially enjoyed things of a vintage nature because in most cases things aren't made like they have been in the past. She absolutely adored the idea of heirloom quality pieces that could be passed down through the generations that survived the test of time.

In reality...

I'm a recent graduate of the University of Texas in Austin with a fashion degree. I have always loved every type of textile and art medium and my craft is constantly evolving. I have a passion for historical costume, vintage linens, kitchenware old (i.e. Pyrex, Fire King) and new, furniture of all designs...really any type of visual medium. I love style and have a very specific and eclectic taste.

Right now I am living in Austin (a truly inspiring place) and dreaming of what is to come.

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